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 We've pretty much moved
 The Santa Cruz Friendly Vegans


What's Vegan

Vegans eat a wide variety of interesting, healthy, and delicious foods. Any perception that we are missing out on something, or are depriving ourselves, is outdated (if it was ever accurate).

Compared to the things we do eat, the list of things we don't eat is small.

Things Vegans Don't Eat:

  • Animals (mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects, etc.)
  • Animals' secretions (milk, butter, ghee, cheese, whey, yogurt, sweat, urine, feces, etc.)
  • Animals' eggs (whether from birds, reptiles, fish, etc.)
  • Animals' vomit (honey)
  • Various hidden ingredients (food glaze, confectioner's glaze, carmine, oyster sauce, bee pollen, bonito flakes, gelatin, etc.)

This is just a brief overview; there are many great lists on the web. For example, the Vegetarian Resource Group has The Vegetarian Journal's Guide To Food Ingredients.